Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks
Formerly known as the Australian Open Golf Tournament and Steak Outing, The David J. Capron Memorial Golf Tournament is held annually in June and has been helping children in this community for over 29 years!
The David J. Capron Memorial Golf Tournament
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks
Dedicated golfers enjoy a gorgeous day on the beautiful greens of Cronin’s Golf Resort, lunch specially prepared by Peg Girard and come together to conclude the day for an exciting live auction and fabulous steak dinner.
With a full course of golfers that compassionately support BBBS, boosted by BIG-hearted friends and sponsors, we fundraise a significant amount year after year to help support our work!
Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to extend our sincere appreciation to everyone who has participated in the golf tournament.
David J. Capron who was a pillar in our organization. He was a past president, board member, event volunteer, enthusiastic fundraiser and a mentor to many of our directors and staff.
This event is graciously hosted by Peg and Jim Girard of Jim Girard Landscape Maintenance Corp. and takes place at the spectacular Cronin’s Golf Resort in Warrensburg, NY and is generously sponsored by:
Jim Girard Landscape Maintenance Corp.
Kerry V. Girard, CPA
North Country Janitorial
Whiteman Chevrolet
Robert Half
Friends of Jim
Special thanks for your ongoing support:
Peg and Jim Girard
Kerry & Barb Girard
The Eintertz Family
The Cronin Family
Together, we are contributing to brighter futures,
better schools, and stronger communities for all.