Our Bigs
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks
Together, We are Defenders of Potential.

Meet Big Brother Don
Don has been a Big Brother in our program since August 2016. Don reached out to us because as his kids grew up, he wanted to continue to be involved in the life of a young person. Don and his Little enjoy the outdoors, fishing, hiking, and spending time with Don’s dog. Don and his Little also enjoy volunteering at our community events together.
Thank you, Don, for the impact you are already making.

Meet Big Brother Bert
and Big Sister Terri
Bert has been a Big to two Littles. His second match began in 2013 as a Couple’s Match with his wife, Terri. Together, Bert and Terri completed a successful match, navigating a relationship with a Little who was 10 when they first met to a now 20-year-old young man who is serving in the US Army. Bert and Terri got to watch their Little and his football team win the JV championship! They were matched with their Little for 8 years. Although their match ended, they still continue to make plans with him and be an integral part of his life. Bert and Terri continue to be avid supporters of Bowl for Kids’ Sake. Bert is an active Board Member, and Terri is ever present at agency events.
Together they model what great can come from giving back to our community.

Meet Big Brother Rob
Rob became a BIG in the Spring of 2015 with his Little from Queensbury. They like to hit golf balls, play catch and go on runs. Their love of ice cream is a shared interest. Your likely to see Rob and his little at our events, as Rob has encouraged his little participate as a way of giving back. Fair warning best of luck saying no to his little. He is a natural advocate for what he believes in.
Thank you, Rob, for joining our agency.

Meet Big Sister Kelsey
Kelsey, has been a Big since 2012. She joined our agency because she had volunteered in Michigan and wanted to give back in her home community. Kelsey and her little like to be outdoors riding bikes and going tubing. They attend many events like West mountain fall festival, and our first annual summer hike.
Kelsey, you are tremendous role model for you little thank you for all that you do!

Meet Big Brother Warren
Warren has been matched with Littles in our program since 1998. That’s dedication to children in our community for the better part of two decades! His most recent Little and him have been matched for six years. In addition to being a Big Warren is our longest standing member of our Board. Warren is our 2016 Big Brother of the year.
Thank you, Warren, for being an example of what dedication looks like for the rest of us!

Meet Big Sister Monica
Monica has been matched with her little since June of 2016. Monica came to BBBS because she wanted to be able to give back to her community. Her and her little have signed up for pottery classes, gone skiing and they enjoy running together. They get together every other week and make it a staple in their schedule.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to your Little!

Meet Big Brother Paul
Paul, has been a Big Brother in our agency since 2009. Paul joined the agency after retirement. At that time, he was torn between working with seniors or youth. Ultimately he decided on youth and came to BBBS. Throughout this time, he and his current little have attended many sponsored events, gone to car shows, and sporting events. Paul has been present for many big moments in his littles life, including helping him get fitted for his first proper suit for his confirmation. Paul was named NY state Big Brother of the year in 2014.
Paul, thank you for all that you have done, and continue to do!

Meet Big Brother Charlie
Charlie was matched in the summer of 2019 with his little. Charlie is very dedicated to the Salem Community. He along with others in the Salem reached out to bring Big Brothers Big Sisters to the youth in their community. Charlie has included his little in his own family, they share family dinners and helps on the farm. Charlie and his little have become staples at our events from snow tubing to bowling and the majority of our match events. Charlie you have brought so much to not only your little but our agency as a whole.
Thank you, Charlie, for all that you do!

Meet Big Sister Alyssa
Alyssa has been matched since November of 2020. Alyssa is a Big who is always laughing with her Little. In addition to attending our Match events together, Alyssa and her Little enjoy spending time watching movies, enjoying local restaurants, and being outside. Alyssa and her Little always have smiles on their faces!
Thank you, Alyssa, for what you do and how you do it!